Preventing and Managing Dry Eye Disease

Dry eye disease is a condition where the eyes are not producing enough tears or good quality tears to keep them lubricated and comfortable. This is caused by an insufficient tear film, inflammation, or both. There are multiple causes for dry eye, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors, etc.

Symptoms of dry eye can include redness, burning or stinging of the eyes, blurred vision. The treatment of dry eye disease depends on how severe it is. For mild cases, some simple steps like lubricating eye drops can be taken to manage it. If the symptoms are more severe, we advise you seek specialized treatment. Our optometrist at East Memphis Optometry in Memphis is well-trained in diagnosing and treating dry eyes. We use treatment options such as TempSure Envi laser to help restore your natural tears and get the relief you need.

Dry Eye Prevention Measures

The most effective way to prevent dry eye disease is by maintaining routine eye exams. Our optometrist will look for potential warning signs of dry eyes during an exam and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Common ways to prevent dry eye disease include:

  • Eyecare is vital to keep your eyes healthy and comfortable. Avoid rubbing your eyes excessively.
  • Eye hygiene is important to prevent infection. Warm, soapy water is all you need to wash your face around your eyes.
  • Take breaks from computer devices
  • Do not use saliva or water to moisten your contacts. This will cause damage and blurry vision.
  • Be sure that all of the solutions used for your eyes care are fresh and not expired.
  • To help you prevent dry eyes, choose sunglasses that offer 100% UV protection with wide lenses to allow maximum airflow around your contacts while you wear them.
  • If you wear contact lenses, be sure to remove them before sleeping.

Dry Eye Management Tips

If you are already suffering from dry eye disease, our optometrist will work with you to prevent the condition from worsening. We may recommend various tips, including:

  • Use lubricating drops as prescribed by our optometrist
  • Make sure your eyes are clean, especially after using contact lenses.
  • If you wear contact lenses, take them out every night before going to bed. Replace them with disposable contacts or use your glasses.
  • Take frequent breaks from working at the computer or looking at a screen. Blink frequently to keep your eyes moist.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Visit East Memphis Optometry for Dry Eye Diagnosis and Treatment

If you've been experiencing dry eye that has been disrupting your daily life, visit us at East Memphis Optometry for a thorough diagnosis. We can help determine the exact cause of your dry eyes and recommend effective treatment options for you. We have treatment options such TempSure Envi laser that can provide relief by restoring your natural tears. Call (901) 683-4529 to book your consultation or to learn more about how we can help.


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